We all love talking to the hamradio comunity, right? What if you could keep in touch with other hams, when travelling with your handheld and without access to a local repeater?
Imagine a cross country, long train ride full of nice and relaxing QSO’s.
The other day, RedBull Air Race came to Oporto, Portugal. As I live in Lisbon, I decided to take the 300 kms ride by train to watch the race. I took my handheld network radio with me. It looks just like a conventional handheld transceiver. But it’s not. It is a cellphone with a PTT button. With TeamSpeak 3 installed and tuned into the IRN – International Radio Network, I was connected to my favourite hamradio Talk Group: The Guild QSO channel. I tell you… What a fantastic ride. Well, I must admit, I love a nice cross-country train ride. I just sat back, relaxed and enjoyed the views through my window, while talking to my ham friends. Luckly, this train offered free Wi-Fi connection, but I could also have used my 3G dataplan.
I know this is far from conventionl hamradio, but things are evolving. If for you this is not hamradio, because you are using a commercial network for voice transport, I respect you, but… The way I see it? A hamradio OM, on a relaxing train ride, with a cute radio-like handheld, talking to other hams, on the other side of the ocean. For me, this is nothing but “hamradioing“.
Enjoy your ride!
there are many ways for Hams to communicate, internet is another way to communicate with another hams around the world.