On the Kanal Zello Funk we are a great radio community.
Here, hobby radio operators, former and active radio amateurs, managers, housewives, taxi drivers and truck drivers, security and students meet. Everyone can join and be welcome on the canal.
The free app zello works on any PC, Android, BlackBerry or IOS.
Zello converts the mobile phone into a walkie-talkie. That is, the voice messages are reproduced directly in real-time at the call partners. All you have to do is press the push-to-talk button and you will be heard by the friends.
At Zellofunk, we talk about everyday things and have fun with each other. We are joking, laughing and enjoying the opportunity to reach zello radio friends all over the world. We also talk about serious issues and above all we help each other when necessary.
by Nicu from zello.info